*Benefit (Save around RM250k++)*
♥️ *Free stamp duty,MOT*
♥️ *Free Loan legals fees*
♥️ *Free SPA Legals fees*
♥️ *Full Loan or Low Downpayment (less than 10%)*
免头期 or 低头期(少过10%)
But also need depend profile(salary, occupation, business,age and so on)
You need pay 你只需要付
1) Booking Fees 定金 RM 1000
2) Valuation Report 估价费
RM 3,000 - 3,500 (depend bank)(看银行的)
*Handover key 24 months
**Owner welcome to list v me.
**Focus Agent in Eco Majestic, Eco Forest